Singapore Aero Support Services is committed to continual quality improvements in all activities with the focused objective to deliver products and services of the highest quality that would consistently satisfy our Stakeholders, namely the External Customers, the Internal Customers (our employees), the stakeholders and suppliers.
Singapore Aero Support Services' decision-making framework will always be in the order of:
Safety > Quality > Delivery > Cost
The General Manager commits to the implementation and sustenance of the Quality Policy.
SASS is committed to ensure that its workplace is safe from hazardous conditions, its employees are protected from injuries, the parts that we repair and services that we provide are safe for our customers. We will protect the environment in and around us through regular surveillance of our operations and active compliance to all applicable regulations and policies.
a) Every employee is required to report maintenance related errors / lapses that hamper the ability to meet airworthiness requirements.
b) The Management recognizes safety as a prime consideration at all times for all the employee.
c) All personnel recognize that compliance with procedures, quality standards and regulations is their duty/responsibility. All personnel are required to cooperate with the quality and safety auditors.
d) Everyone is to ensure good use of resources and to pay particular attention to carry out correct maintenance at first attempt.
e) Everyone in the organization is to be aware of human factors and to set a continuous training program in this field.
Quality and Safety standards are the responsibility of all personnel, and it is the duty of all personnel to comply with all the provisions of this section.
The Quality and Safety Department is responsible for the compliance of all procedures established in this system. It is his responsibility to implement the policies in this section.